Works by Paul Salvo
The novels Lights Out in Paradise (Amazon), Yael's Scroll (unpublished) and the novella My Father, My Son (unpublished) comprise the Bushwick Trilogy, a semi-autobiographical work focused on the dislocation and mental/emotional upheavals resulting from immigration: a Sicilian identity and language slowly altered by American identity and language; the Castelvetrano, Sicily hometown gradually eclipsed by Bushwick, Brooklyn; and, the ongoing struggle against oneself in an attempt to belong in a new country.
Licking the Taboo (Amazon): A journey that begins with preconceived notions about those who live in “Small Town” America, careens in an unexpected direction when William Lang Jr., a forty-one-year-old freelance journalist and diehard New Yorker, disregards the cultural taboos that keep liberals and conservatives apart and ventures into a relationship with Sue Ellen, a townie in Littleton, NY, a fictional upstate setting.
Southold Revisited (Ocotillo Review): An aging Marine veteran of the Vietnam War revisits an old fishing haunt from his youth on the Long Island Sound and reflects upon the totality of his life.